A member asked:

What is the definition or description of: plasmapheresis?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Removes plasma: Plasmapheresis is a procedure used to remove plasma, the liquid part of unclotted blood from a person. The apheresis machine usually uses a centrifuge to separate blood into its components, red cells, white cells, platelets and plasma. The machine can draw off any one of those. Plasma is taken at a blood bank to make products for transfusion, or in a patient to treat various diseases.

Answered 9/28/2016



Removal of plasma: It is a procedure whereby blood is taken out of the patient the blood cells are separated from the liquid or plasma and then the blood cells are given back to the patient. This is often used to treat disorders of the immune system. Antibodies from the immune system are removed in the plasma.

Answered 2/9/2017



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