A member asked:

How easy is it to transmit hepatitus b, kissing? recieving oral sex?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Not that easy: Hepatitis b is very contagious - much more contagious than aids. That said, it is very unlikely to transmit it via kissing. To transmit it via oral sex, semen would have to be ejaculated into the recipient's mouth, or blood would have to enter the mouth or skin. If there were no abrasions or broken skin, transmission would still be unlikely, but it would be possilble. See: http://bit.Ly/qxtpyy.

Answered 12/13/2012


Dr. Gregg Vagner answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

Blood contact: Hepatitis b is transmitted by blood contact. It would be virtually impossible to transmit by kissing unless both had open, bleeding or draining sores in your mouths. The hepatitis b virus is present in semen and can theoretically be transmitted by oral sex but the probability is quite low.

Answered 2/9/2015



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