A member asked:

How to naturally prevent excess breast growth during puberty for 12 year old girl who has just got her first periods 5 months back?excess growth seen

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Barry Press answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

No way: To prevent breast growth that I am aware of. There is a condition called juvenile hypertrophy of the breast that may require surgical correction. I would make your pediatrician or doctor aware of the problem.

Answered 12/2/2013


Dr. Regina Hampton answered

Specializes in Breast Surgery

Look at intake: Her breast size and growth could be genetic. If women in your family have large breasts, then she may be as well. I recommend looking at the types of foods she is eating and what is in them. Stay away from foods (especially meats) that have added hormones and steroids. Read the labels and try to limit fast foods (they are notorious for using meats with hormones).

Answered 7/23/2016



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