Generally good: Having a tall, standing-type desk is generally a good thing for many reasons: less strain on the back (because most desk chairs promote poor posture), improved leg and core strength, and less neck strain. However, be sure to not "hunch over" your desk and be sure to keep your legs moving (vs just standing with no movement for any prolonged period of time). Find a way to relax if you get tired.
Answered 11/5/2018
Usually good: If it is at the right height for you, it can be very beneficial. A desk that can be set at varying heights & that allows you to go from sitting to standing can give different parts of your body a break. Anti-fatigue mats can help to prevent painful joints from prolonged standing.
Answered 11/5/2018
Good: Even better would be to have a slow moving treadmill that would avoid the strain of standing for a long period without moving. Have a healthy diet, exercise, drink plenty of water, have safe sex, if you do, and get HPV vaccine, if you are younger than 45-years. Wish you good health!
Answered 11/5/2018
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