A member asked:

It always feels like something is stuck in my throat. should i be worried?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

ENT evaluation to: Rule out foreign body, infection, tumor, structural or functional abnormality is most important. Even if the exam is normal, a follow-up with ENT in 2-4 months is warranted if the symptoms persist, sooner if they worsen. "worrying" is not productive and in fact may contribute to the sense of something stuck in the throat. Reasonable concern, a good action plan w/ follow thru and stay relaxed.

Answered 9/28/2016



Maybe: Any persistent irritation or sensation that is different should be evaluated by an otolaryngologist. The majority of the time a 'globus sensation' is due to reflex or post-nasal drainage. Cancers can cause similar symptoms though and the only way to be sure is to look at your throat.

Answered 9/24/2013



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