Great question!: What makes a good doctor? One that knows when they've reached the limits of their expertise. If a doctor tells you they can find out if you have a demon or not, it's time to find a new doctor... If you're hearing voices or seeing things that aren't there, that's a different topic, and i'd strongly suggest seeing a doctor in person.
Answered 9/28/2016
Hmmm???: Are you talking about an unruly individual; or are you inquiring about a true creature of the macabre? A visit to your local place of worship might be helpful...
Answered 1/19/2014
Agree: Great advice dr duchicela! i also advise seeing an md asap! you need to be evaluated by a qualified medical professional in person.... Good luck!
Answered 12/16/2014
Deliver yourself...: ...from outmoded beliefs and destructive illusions. You need to ground yourself in reality. This is an age of enlightenment. Ancient superstition has given way to modern knowledge. The only resident of your body is you. Nothing in there didn't originate in there. No one but you inhabits your mind. The only way another can influence your thoughts is the usual non-supernatural way: Words and deeds.
Answered 11/28/2017
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