A member asked:

Will a babies yellow eyes ever get better or is there a medication i can buy to fix it?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Probably: Most babies develop yellowing of the skin and eyes which should resolve spontaneously by two weeks of age. If severe or persistent, it should be evaluated promptly and potentially treated. Medications should generally be avoided as they, more often than not, potentially exacerbate the problem.

Answered 10/8/2013



Find out why 1st: Many babies will have a transient yellowing in the white of their eyes the first week after birth as their body learns to metabolize bilirubin. If this is what you are seeing & it is worsening, the baby needs to be evaluated. If your baby is older & the yellow is new, the baby needs to be seen to see what the problem is.

Answered 10/17/2012



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