Perhaps 6-12 months: Most ruptured spleens are due to trauma, in which case most of the time they are surgically removed. You can live without a spleen, though it does have some impact of immune function. Iron storage (also done in bone marrow and liver), and old red blood cell destruction (life of an RBC is 100 days). Must avoid any contact sports or further trauma to that area (left upper quadrant of abdomen).
Answered 4/11/2018
6 weeks: In general we tell folks who have ruptured spleens to avoid contact to that area of the belly and stay near a surgical hospital for about 6 weeks. This seems to be about the right amount of time to greatly reduce the risk of thr spleen rebleeding.
Answered 2/15/2016
6 to 8 weeks: 6 to 8weeks should be enough to promote healing. During this time period it is essential that it not be re-injured.
Answered 3/6/2016
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