A member asked:

How many years you can live with cirrhosis?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

It depends...: The cause of liver cirrhosis has a lot to do with the answer to your question. Patients may live for many years with proper treatment and monitoring. However, there are fulminant forms of cirrhosis for which life expectancy without a transplant is weeks, months at best. Proper diagnosis and evaluation will chart the course for both treatment and prognosis.

Answered 7/5/2012



Highly variable: Cirrhosis is not like pregnancy - you are, or you aren't. It is a continuum ranging from very mild scarring to a liver that is shrunken and has become 90% scar. If the process causing it (like alcohol abuse, or hepatitis or primary biliary cirrhosis) is stopped with medication or sobriety from alcohol at a time when the damage is mild, you can live normal lifespan. More scarring, shorter life.

Answered 1/29/2013



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