The : The most important thing in this complicated situation is that the patient closely establish with a gynecologist so that she can have a complete evaluation including an ultrasound. Although all medications carry risks during pregnancy, in the majority of cases the baby is fine. Of course with Methadone there are risks of addiction at birth so the baby will need to be monitored closely, and Coumadin (warfarin) is a blood thinner that can't be taken during pregnancy but there alternatives such as variants of heparin.
Answered 10/3/2016
Trazodone, : Trazodone, lorazepam, lithium, methadone, and warfarin (same as coumadin) are potent medications given for serious medical problems. So, someone who is taking all of these drugs, in addition to drinking alcohol, is probably affected by complex medical and psychiatric issues. Medications like lithium and warfarin, and drugs like alcohol, can have serious effects on the physical and mental development of a fetus. The food and drug administration ranks the risk of medications in pregnancy according to a scale: a, b, c, d, and x. The following is a simplification of what each category means. Category a means that experiments were conducted in which pregnant women were exposed to a drug, and the baby was not harmed. Category b means that drugs were not tested on humans, but were tested on animals and their babies were not harmed. Category c means that animal studies showed harm, but there was no evidence of harm in human babies. Category d means that there is evidence that human babies can be harmed, but that there may be cases when the benefits of using the drug outweigh the risks. Category x means that there is evidence that human babies can be harmed, and that the benefits of the drug are not worth the risk. Warfarin is a blood thinner that crosses the placenta (the tissue that joins the mom's circulation with the fetus' circulation), and can cause problems in the fetus including bleeding and birth defects. The risk has been estimated at anywhere from 5% to 30%. Warfarin is pregnancy category x. Lithium is a drug used to control certain psychiatric conditions. It can cause birth defects, and is linked to a specific kind of heart defect. Lithium is pregnancy category d. Lorazepam is also pregnancy category d. It has been tentatively linked to reduced iq and to birth defects. If taken in the last trimester, it can cause problems including newborns who are floppy, breathing problems, or a drug withdrawal syndrome that includes seizures. Methadone is pregnancy category c. It can cause problems including floppy/dopey babies and withdrawal problems. It is unfortunate that the pregnancy was unplanned. Unplanned pregnancies often mean that mom didn't have time to make sure her mental and physical health, diet, and habits were good prior to getting pregnant and continued to be good through the pregnancy. Unplanned pregnancies also often mean that mom and dad haven't had time to prepare personally, socially, and financially for the responsibilities of parenthood. These factors may represent the baby's biggest challenges.
Answered 3/2/2019
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