Hello. : Hello. If you are having regular periods than you aren't pregnant. However since you have a change in your menstrual patterns, you are gaining weight in the abdomen and having odd sensations of the abdomen, it is probably time to see the gynecologist to determine the cause of these symptoms. Take care.
Answered 4/2/2017
You : You are not likely to be pregnant. I agree with dr fowler's response. Let me add that some women believe that any bleeding is a menstrual period. I have had a number of women tell me that their friend had menstrual periods throughout the pregnancy. I never had a pregnant patient who had menses while pregnant. So, i think women get confused about the definition of menses. A real menses occurs about 2 weeks after ovulation. So obviously, if a woman is pregnant then she cannot have menstrual bleeding. Your symptoms are confusing and i suggest that you meet with your physician to see what might be causing them. Best wishes.
Answered 10/4/2016
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