A member asked:

Is chewing a lot of gum bad for kids' teeth? our seven year old love to chew gum, and seems to do it all the time. i try and make sure he uses sugar-free gum, but i'm worried that all that chewing could do something to his teeth or jaw. do i have anything

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Theodore Davantzis answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Xylitol : Xylitol based (sugar free) will not promote tooth decay. The chewing action stumulates salivary flow, and together with the gum, cleanses the teeth. Obviously, too much of anything isn't healthy. Constant chewing action may put more wear and tear on the joints and muscles of the face, which could, over an extended period of time cause problems. Everything in moderation and he should be just fine.

Answered 10/3/2016


Dr. Zev Kaufman answered

Specializes in Dentistry - Cosmetic

I : I am a father of myself and again we are back to the question of developing healthy habits in children. Chewing gum is not natural or beneficial. The jaws and teeth will develop naturally with or without gum chewing. A child will not ask for gum naturally. Why give it to him or her anyway? The same is true for soda, smoking, and any other bad habits. At least you are getting him some sugar free gum. Try and slowly stop the habit. It is better not to do it. Teach your child to drink water instead. It is a far better habits for the health of the teeth and his general health. Best wishes, dr. Zev kaufman.

Answered 10/3/2016



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