Think it out first!: There is no one right way. Be sure of your position before you say anything to your family. If you can't seem to be clear get professional help from resources you trust. Sometimes saying nothing for a while is best. They may come to you first. That has a better chance for success. Above all choose wisely who you talk to about your dilemma. Those who are immature or intolerant are not good choices.
Answered 5/7/2016
Homosexuality: There is often a stigma about homosexuality that can be alleviated by emphasizing that it is on a biologic basis. A person is born with this sexual orientation and there is no fault involved. Ask your family for love and understanding. If needed ask them to see a family therapist with you.
Answered 9/22/2013
It depends: On their back ground and believe , if they believe in god they may not accept this , since this is against his teaching
Answered 5/7/2016
A Helpful Guide...: ... Is available. It is published by the gay, lesbian & straight education network (glsen): http://bit.Ly/142n2vh.
Answered 5/12/2016
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