While : While I do not perform this type of procedure in my practice, I have heard of a classification of substances called psoralens which, when coupled with uv light, has been used to treat conditions such as vitiligo. I do not know if it is applicable to post-co2 hypopigmentation problems. Obviously, makeup is the safest option and one wouldn't pursue a medication option unless under the guidance of an experienced physician with knowledge of that treatment.
Answered 10/3/2016
Hyperpigmentation : Hyperpigmentation can occur after any inflammation to the skin.I like the /obagi skin care line because it has a skin bleaching cream and can be very effective in treating this.www.beautybybrueck.com.
Answered 10/4/2016
CO2 laser: Co2 laser resurfacing can be ablative removing the surface of the skin to a set depth in a continuous manner in the area treated. There is also fractional co2 resurfacing. Hypopigmentation is more associated with the continuous co2 rather than fractional. The hypopigmentation can last for a very long time and may be permanent. Fractional co2 is somewhat safer but may still have side effects.
Answered 4/7/2013
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