It : It is difficult to link the various symptoms into any one thing that can cause them all. They may not be related. Things that can cause all these things are sinus issues (headaches around the eyes, sometimes the very top of the head or behind the eyes), jaw joint problems, etc. If they persist or worsen, see your primary care doctor.
Answered 1/23/2019
Although : Although this is difficult to diagnosis with such limited information and inability to examine you, one possiblity is auriculotemporal neuralgia ( a nerve that runs in front of the ear and into the temporal scalp). Sinus headaches typically don't lateralize to the side of the head and usually described as more dull, achey, and throbbing. The "pins and needle" sensation is termed paraeshesias or dysesthesias when linked to painful feelings. This is more characteristic of a neuralgia syndrome.If it persists, specific treatments do exist once diagnosed, and personally i would consult with a neurologist about this.
Answered 12/5/2018
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