A member asked:

I had an abortion 2/11 got my period 3/11 but has not stopped i started cramping three days ago should i see someone? bleeding bad now and a lot of icky stuff coming out.

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

You : You should definitely see an ob/gyn. Your doctor can do an ultrasound to make sure there is no retained tissue in your uterus, as well as check your pregnancy hormone levels. Your doctor can also prescribe a birth control pill which will help to stop your bleeding.

Answered 10/3/2016



You : You definitely should see someone. That can be a sign of infection or hormone changes. If you don't feel comfortable going back to the doctor that did your abortion, you should definitely see a gyn. If you get a fever or flu like symptoms, you should go to the er or urgent care to be seen. Good luck!

Answered 10/4/2016



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