A member asked:

I have trouble sleeping, and i'm nauseous. what could be wrong? i don't know what's wrong with me. i'm having trouble sleeping lately. i wake up two to three times a night. i'll be awake for awhile, up to two hours before being able to fall asleep again.

8 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. G Funari answered

Recommend that you see your physician: Recommend that you see your physician to evaluate for the presence of gastric reflux since your nighttime arousal seems to be related to nausea.

Answered 10/16/2021



Sleep Disturbance: It would be advisable to meet with your Primary Care Physician to determine whether you have any illness causing your sleep disturbance. If you are not ill, then consult with a Clinical Psychologist to find out the cause of distress that is keeping you up at night. You can also go to a specialist for a sleep study.

Answered 10/16/2021



The cause of nocturnal awakening can be elusive. Sleep apnea, nocturnal myoclonus (PLMS), could be provocateurs, but certainly GERD and postnasal sinus issues can be disruptive. Post traumatic stress, if salient, or other psychological issues could be considered. If possible, see a neurologist who specializes in sleep.

Answered 10/16/2021



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