A member asked:

Since childhood i have occasionally, but regularly struggled with getting full/deep breaths while resting/sitting. any advice? 42 yo, nulligravida, good health, no medications, no cholesterol/bp problems. modestly exercise regularly (bike riding/walking),

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Sanjay Agarwal answered

Specializes in Pulmonology

You : You sound like you have 'occasional episodic dyspnea' and it might be suggestive of 'sigh' that is physiological about 6-8 times per hour in normal humans... Simply means longer and deeper breath or two, periodically. If it is more than this or not exactly how I am inferring your question to be, or shortness of breath is more of a concern, then it very well be that you need a 'work up' and evaluation. Talking to a good pulmonologist to check your lung function tests and imaging studies may be a good place to start. Hope this helps.

Answered 2/26/2017



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