A member asked:

I have a lump on the side of my heal that itchs and burn. what can i do to help with the pain? md thought it was fatty tissue and didn't tell me what to do

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Howard Fox answered

Specializes in Podiatry

The : The most common small bump or bumps on the sides of the heel are little fat pad herniations. The fat pad that surrounds the heel is enclosed in a mesh to contain its shape. Sometimes, a little piece of fat can herniate through this mesh and poke out. But fat pad herniations are almost never painful, and certainly not itchy or cause burning. You may have something else going on there, and it may be just a coincidence that whatever else is going on is occurring just where your fat pad herniation is, even though it's completely unrelated. I'm guessing, of course, since i haven't see your foot. One of the more common causes of burning and itching is a fungal infection, like an athlete's foot. Try putting on some over-the-counter anti-fungal cream twice a day. If it's a fungus, the itching and burning should be gone in a couple of days (although the little lump is going to be there forever). Needless to say, if that doesn't work, it's time to see a doctor.... Preferably one that actually gives you a diagnosis and prescribes some sort of treatment.

Answered 3/13/2019



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