Hi. : Hi. I can not diagnose the reason for the blood in your urine or the burning. But, all three of these could cause urinary symptoms. Hematuria (blood in the urine) could occur if you injured your kidney when you fell and hit your back. It can certainly be from a urinary tract infection and that can also a cause for burning when you urinate. Friction against your urethra while having sexual intercourse could cause inflammation which causes (dysuria) painful urinary and blood. I thik it is a good idea to get checked at your college clinic tommorrow.
Answered 10/3/2016
Check it out: The possibilities here are such that without an exam and even some lab data it would be tough to be sure what's going on. Blood in the urine in a male warrants attention and its good you are asking for input.
Answered 12/20/2013
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