A member asked:

Cta abdomen w/ runoff: radiologist notes small lymph nodes at celica access; suggests short term followup needed cta abdomen w/runoff yields radiologist noting small lymph nodes at celiac axis; suggests short term follow up if clinically indicated. what w

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. David Greuner answered

Specializes in General Surgery

The : The isolated finding of celiac nodes without any other findings is likely not important or indicative of anything in particular. Like anything else, we need more information.....For example...Why did you get the cta? Im assuming as a workup for arterial disease and not cancer. In general the images acquired in a ct angiogram are more detailes than usual ct scans, which means that they would likely pick up any other issues such as masses. This should be discussed with the ordering physician however.

Answered 10/3/2016


Dr. Creighton Wright answered

Specializes in surgery

Ok: There are always small nodes at celiac axis. So if no change- should not be an issue! it is an area where inflammation or malignancy can show and that's why we check. Why was the cta needed? That needs the followup?

Answered 7/20/2013



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