A member asked:

Sore breasts, a sign of pregnancy? my period is another week in a half away. above the nipple where the breast attach to the chest is really sore on my left breast. it also hurts by the arm pit and back of my arm to the shoulder. but my actual breast does

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Yes, : Yes, breast tenderness can be a sign of pregnancy. Please take a test and if it is negative, repeat the test in several days if you haven't gotten your period. Please be sure that your breast isn't red or has any abnormalities. If you breat pain continues, please be checked by your doctor to be sure your breast doesn't have any abnormalities.

Answered 10/3/2016


Dr. Shawn Gurtcheff answered

Specializes in Fertility Medicine

Breast : Breast pain can be a sign of pregnancy, but it is very unlikely that you woul feel it when your period is still a week away. Most women notice signs of pregnancy like breast discomfort, nausea and tiredness closer to the time of their period. If your period is abnormal or doesn't come, home pregnancy tests are generally accurate. If the pain persists, see your doctor.

Answered 10/3/2016



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