A member asked:

Why do i sleep so much and why am i always tired? i seem to sleep to much if i could i would sleep all day. i go to bed early and when its time for me to get up im still very tired i usually go back to bed and sleep till mid day and even then it seems not

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Goodness, : Goodness, there are so many possible reasons for being really tired. I don't see your age mentioned. How old are you? Are you a man or a woman? Do you have any specific health problems? How long have you suffered from lethargy? Are there any other symptoms? It sounds like it is hard to limit yourself to eight hours of sleep, so how much sleep are you averaging per 24 hour cycle? Do you have a job? Are you taking any medications, if so what?

Answered 10/3/2016



Do you snore?: If you snore a sleep study may reveal information that can help you, it is also possible that you may be depressed, appetite? wt gain/loss? mood ? seeing a PCP would be a good start

Answered 10/30/2018



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