Bulimia : Bulimia is part of a spectrum of eating disorders. Unlike anorexia, in which the person does not eat an adequate amount of food, bulimic patients eat more normally but then force themselves to vomit to avoid absorbing the calories. Some people also abuse laxatives in an attempt to make the nutrients "pass through" their system to avoid absorbing the calories. In all cases, the end result is malnutrition, which can be extremely damaging. A bulimic patient will also damage his or her esophagus and teeth (because of acids from the stomach) and can get lung infections from getting vomit into the airways. No one becomes bulimic as the result of a single comment, though one comment might push a person toward an eating disorder if the tendency was already there or if other factors were also causing emotional distress. This is not an isolated issue, but one simply one part of a person's overall environment and condition. Furthermore, one does not treat bulimia simply by saying, "don't do that anymore." instead, it takes counseling that addresses the patient's overall health and outlook, as well as his or her social environment. Bulima and anorexia are not safe or effective ways to control weight. And, no, throwing up one time (or a dozen times) will not reduce a person's weight by 5 pounds. Weight loss requires a healthy diet and a healthy amount of exercise. This girl should see her doctor and discuss with him or her a healthy program of weight loss. She should also let him know if she is thinking about or has used vomiting as a form of weight loss. It's not something to be ashamed of, and if the doctor knows about it, he or she can establish an overall treatment plan that is safer, more effective, and which better encompasses the psychosocial issues the child is facing.
Answered 11/25/2016
I : I will add a comment to the excellent information already provided by dr. Andrews. People with bulimia can also try to control their weight through fasting (not eating), exercising excessively or using diuretics (water pills). The type of over eating that occurs can be binging. Binging is eating alot of food at one time. The person often eats until their abdomen feels uncomfortable and often they binge on junk food. Normally to make this diagnosis the types of behaviors that were previously described need to occur on an average at least twice a month over at least three months. If someone made the comment to a psychologically healthy child once that they are fat, i don't that would cause bulimia. However, as stated by dr. Andrews each situation needs to be viewed in context.
Answered 10/3/2016
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