Please : Please go and have this tooth looked at by an endodontist. Sometimes the tooth needs to be retreated. Or it could be another tooth. Anyway this demands a serious look before you are continually miserable all the time from it.
Answered 10/3/2016
Tooth : Tooth pain relieved by cold usually indicates a tooth nerve in the process of dieing. Pain when you lay down to sleep can mean there is sinus involvement in the infection. If the symptoms go away, this does not mean that the problem has gone away. Usually, a tooth nerve dieing is most painful. After it is dead, there may be less or no pain, but its still dead, and any infection can still be present. Please have this checked out by your dentist.
Answered 1/16/2021
See Endodontist: May be reinfected or split. See the specialist for evaluation and possible retreatment. No need to live in pain.
Answered 11/28/2017
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