A member asked:

My period is 3 days late.. could i be pregnant? my period is 3 days late.. i'm having slight cramps, my breast hurt and kinda look a little bigger, sometimes when i stand up i get really light headed.. i just had a miscarriage october 14, 2011... everyth

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

As : As doctors, the first thing we do when we hear that a young, fertile woman is having a missed period or abnormal spotting, we check a pregnancy test. You can either take a home pregnancy test as long as it has been 5- 6 weeks since your last normal period, or you can go see your doctor and they can test you. A home pregnancy test is 97% accurate if taken a week or more after the missed period. A blood test can tell if you are pregnant as soon as 7 days after conception and a doctor's urine pregnancy test can tell if you are pregnant around when you next period should come. There are other reasons besides pregnancy that can cause a woman to miss a period such as: stress, diet, excessive exercise or a hormone imbalance such as with a thyroid disorder or poly cystic ovarian syndrome. If you continue to not have your period or if they become consistently irregular, you should contact your doctor.

Answered 10/3/2016


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Possible: Yes, you could be. I would take a pregnancy test now to know.

Answered 3/22/2020



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