A member asked:

Which vision correction surgery method would work for my nearsightedness and astigmatism? i'm tired of wearing contacts, and i'm curious about the different types of vision correction that are available. is there one kind of surgery that can correct both

7 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Jay Bradley answered

Specializes in Cornea, Cataract, & Refractive (LASIK & PRK) Surgery

Laser eye surgery: Laser eye surgery can correct both myopia and astigmatism as long as you are an appropriate candidate otherwise. See a lasik surgery for further evaluation.

Answered 4/3/2013


Dr. Keshav Narain answered

Specializes in Retinal Surgery

Many : There are many treatment which can correct both nearsightedness and some astigmatism. The degree to which either can be corrected depends on a variety of measurements such as corneal curvature, axial length, corneal thickness and more. Ultimately, the best option depends on your needs and should be decided with your refractive surgeon.

Answered 9/7/2013



Depends: This is dependent on the evaluation. This can linit your option. This is an evolving area in ophthalmology. Today many people can have this done whereas yeqars ago the options were limited. Discuss this in depth with refractive surgeons to make informed decisions.

Answered 9/18/2019



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