A member asked:

Should i have laser therapy to erase my acne scars if i still have areas of it on my face? i've had acne on my chin and forehead for several years now, and i'd like to try laser treatments to deal with the scarring. can i have this done even if i'm still

18 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Yes, : Yes, that should be fine as long as the break outs aren't too bad. Ask your dermatologist for their thoughts. I typically do try to get the acne reasonably controlled prior to any laser treatment. Also, you shouldn't have any facial procedures performed if you have taken Accutane within the last 6 months. The laser treatment will probably take a few treatments but can often improve (not make perfect) the texture and scarring from previous acne.

Answered 10/3/2016



Acne scarring: It is best if the acne is under control. Laser treatment can be effective in areas where there is not active acne. If there is active acne , the scars may just recur.

Answered 3/31/2015


Dr. Joshua Fox answered

Specializes in Dermatology

Treat Acne scars: Certain lasers or procedures may be best if there is still active acne. Smooth beam laser treats both the acne and the scars with the e laser. Chemical peels depending on the case may ailso be helpful. If there is not too much active acne you can often proceed with the ' best ' laser for the specific acne scars.

Answered 4/13/2014



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