The : The roughness and patches in your mouth can be attributed to a couple of things - and infection or a reaction to a type of food you ate. Foods - some people experience excoriation of oral membranes if eating a food that they are sensitive to. For instance, if you eat a fruit that is highly acidic such as kiwi, it can be irritating to the mouth. Some people experience sensitivity to spicy foods or cinnamon flavored candy/food. This is resolved by avoiding foods that can cause irritation. Infection - there are fungi that reside in our bodies that may grow out of control if our immune system is affected or decreased. One infection that can occur in the mouth is called "thrush, " caused by the fungus, candida. This infection is manifested by red or white, irritated patches in the mouth. It can be treated with otc topical solutions, but please note that healing could take a couple of weeks. It will be important to follow up with your doctor if symptoms persist, despite otc treatment. Oral cancers and other infections have similar early symtpoms, as you are currently experiencing.
Answered 3/23/2019
Drink something hot?: That feeling is usually due to burning the mouth: cheese pizza, coffee, tea, soup, etc. Even not, sounds like these areas need to heal. Warm salt water rinses, and/or water + hydrogen peroxide rinses can help. Also, gly-oxide, an otc rinse, works well. Stay away from alcohol-based mouthwashes since they can dry the mouth, causing more irritation. Still bad after 3 days, see your dentist.
Answered 3/23/2019
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