A member asked:

Why is my 11 mth old baby been pooping blood ? my son is does nt want to eat well.. he is loseing wieght boolding when ever he poops , bt he has nt pooped in the last 2 day, n gets fevers every so often.. it scareys me because he has a kidney problem..

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Any : Any child with weight loss and bloody stools needs to have a thorough work-up to rule out illnesses such as infections, allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, tumor or vascular malformation. These symptoms are concerning for any child - even one with healthy kidneys. You should call your child's doctor if the current treatments are not working and discuss other possibilities and treatments. Your doctor may need to do additional testing or may need to send your child to a gastroenterologist for further work-up. Good luck! legal disclaimer: I am providing this general and basic information as a public service and my response to this question does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship. For any additional information, advice, or specific concerns, please speak with your own physician. The information provided is current as of the date of the answer entry.

Answered 9/27/2017



See MD ASAP: Blood in the stool is not a good sign, especially in a toddler. Weight loss as well. You must bring him in for examination as soon as possible. These are signs that cannot be ignored. Good luck!

Answered 9/4/2013



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