A member asked:

Can you get menstrual cramps a day after stopping your period? i had a period for 3 days and now it's done. i'm not pregnant already did 2 tests.

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Possibly: But these stomach pains may be unrelated to your period. Are you having normal bowel movements? Is this the first time this has happened? If pain is severe, talk to your doctor. Difficult question to answer, with the information given.

Answered 9/18/2013


Dr. Thomas Heston answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Yes: Menstrual cramps can be highly variable and unpredictable; someone certainly could experience this. If concerned about pregnancy a person might want to recheck in a week or two. Any ongoing concerns, however, obviously require you to see your physician in person, . Good luck and hope you are feeling better.

Answered 3/26/2013



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