A member asked:

Is it normal to be bleeding the next day from wisdom teeth extractions?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Oozing is normal: Slight oozing of blood from the socket is normal. If the blood is bright red, contact your dentist. You can bite on wet tea bags for ten minutes. The tannic acid will help stop the bleeding. Avoid sucking on straws, spitting and smoking.

Answered 12/24/2019


Dr. Dominick Curalli answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Yes: After an extraction, a blood clot forms in the socket. Clots begin as red blood cells that stick together. In the first 2 days as your saliva washes over the clots, some of these cells come loose and make your saliva bright red in color. If you see dark., heavy bleeding from the extraction socket this is not normal. Bite on wet guaze or a teabag and see your dentist or oral surgeon right away!

Answered 3/29/2014



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