A member asked:

What kinds of stem cells can be used in knee problems?

6 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

All are under study: All stem cells are being studied, including embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells, and induced pluripotent stem celss (ipscs), but this work remains experimental and investigational. Much work still needs to be done before we will really know if injecting stem cells into the knee really helps with problems there, and if it does, what other factors are important to optimize good results.

Answered 7/20/2012


Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

Adult stem cells: Dr. Chris centeno in colorado is using adult stem cells isolated from bone marrow for degenerative issues with the knee. He has reported successful outcomes with an excellent safety profile. There are also clinical studies that are using stem cells isolated from adipose tissue. Both tissue sources contain mesenchymal stem bells, which are the cells largely thought to perform the healing.

Answered 1/21/2014


Dr. Robert Alexander answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

Adult Stem-Stroma: Use of adult mesenchymal stem-stromal cells (mscs) are currently in clinical trial in us/internationally. Trend is toward use of fat derived mscs, havested by liposuction, isolated and concentrated in tissue culture. Early reports suggest significant improvement in neurological, autoimmune and organ functions. Many more mscs in fat than bone marrow making ad-msc the center of most research now.

Answered 11/5/2014



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