A member asked:

Is manitol work just as well as xylitol in preventing tooth decay?

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Unknown: The only reliable studies I am aware of indicate xylitol is effective in interfering with dental plaque development. Mannitol will not be metabolized like regular sugar so it will not cause tooth decay but probably does not have the same effect of xylitol.

Answered 12/15/2012


Dr. Jeffrey Goldstein answered

Specializes in Cosmetic Dentistry

No.: As far as i know, only xylitol has the ability to kill bacteria in the mouth.

Answered 12/5/2012



Xylitol is better: Research has shown that only xylitol has a protcetive effect and actually helps prevent tooth decay. To get a real benefit though, several pieces of xylitol gum or mints must be used daily.

Answered 12/3/2016



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