A member asked:

Fake" faints, shaking body parts out of sudden, expressionless, crying or laughing for no reason, random screams, can it be touretters? 14 y/o sister

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Attention seeking: Sounds like someone acting in a bizarre manor either to avoid some issue or get attention. Tourette syndrome often begins in the 4-6 yo & evolves over time. The teen who develops this late is unlikely affected.

Answered 9/28/2016


Dr. Johanna Fricke answered

Specializes in Pediatrics - Developmental and Behavioral

Other possible : Explanations could be a psychiatric disorder or even a neurological disorder. Have your parents witnessed these episodes? Do they occur at school? Does she act as if these behaviors don't bother her? If you feel that these atypical behaviors impact your sister's functioning, video an episode on your cell phone so your parents can see them & can show her pediatrician. Tell them your concerns.

Answered 1/4/2020



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