A member asked:

What should i expect for small cell lung cancer metastasized to the brain twice. i have been treated with gamma knife as well as whole brain radiation?

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Serious illness: Small cell lung cancer is a serious and fatal illness. The 2 brain metastasis episodes are also serious. You, your family and your oncologist need to discuss your prognosis.

Answered 6/9/2018



You did not tell us : The brain mets appered at diagnosis or developed after treatment. Presenting with brain metastasis is not favorable. You didn't tell us the interval between wbrt, gamma one or two. Doing things from this point forward should be aimed at producing comfort. No facts suggest that any further treatment will extend your life. Choose comfort. Ask about palliative care focus.

Answered 12/30/2013



Watch out: The chance of further brain metastases is very high. You should have an MRI of the brain at least every other month, if not every month. Better to catch these tumors small when they can be treated with radiosurgery instead of more whole brain. Good luck, .

Answered 3/28/2017



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