Not OTC: You cannot buy professional whitening kits otc - over the counter as they contain dangerous levels of bleach that can seriously harm you. Just stick with what you can get otc and do not look for profesional kits.
Answered 7/27/2013
Be careful: After having done teeth whitening for over twenty years, the pitfall i see patients fall into is that they focus too much on what product they put on their teeth. The key to a great teeth whitening result is to visit your cosmetic dentist. Then he can help you decide if you need to desensitize your teeth first, or if one of the fast whitening techniques will work for you.
Answered 5/6/2014
Try KoR Whitening: Hi there! the kor whitening deep bleaching system is by far, the best professional tooth whitening system available. You will need to find a dentist in your area that offers kor whitening, as it is limited to practitioners that have been trained in the process.
Answered 12/9/2013
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