A member asked:

Does lupus sometimes cause itchy hives?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Yes.: Hives may be the first symptom of autoimmune diseases like lupus. Hives that are a symptom of lupus are chronic. That means that you suffer from hives everyday or nearly everyday for at least 6 weeks. Still when looking at all patients with chronic hives less than 1% have lupus. The presence of chronic hives is a very good reason to visit a board-certified allergist who can rule lupus in or out.

Answered 3/31/2015



Lupus and Hives: Absolutely it can. One of the screening tests in people with chronic hives consists of checking for autoimmune disease; of which lupus is one. Treating the lupus will better help to control the hives.

Answered 1/29/2018



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