A member asked:

Adderall (dextroamphetamine and racemic amphetamine) and exercising.losing a lot of weight 32 pounds in 5 months. feel great though. adderal does not effect my bp or pulse rate. ?

10 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Minimal.: Generally while adderal can increase blood pressure or pulse slightly, this not clinically significant. Weight loss is variable from one individual to another, often associated with appetite decrease and not usually an issue. It is good you are exercising and feeling well, please confer with the prescribing physician to monitor your weight and mood changes.

Answered 11/27/2017



Weight loss on purpo: I am glad you are not having problems with BP or heart rate. Is your weight loss purposeful or acceptable? If not, it is a lot of weight. Talk to your prescriber to make sure it in ok based on your weight when you started Adderall (dextroamphetamine and racemic amphetamine).

Answered 3/31/2015



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