Yes: Changes involving the facet joints related to degeneration can create sciatic symptoms related to inflammation or due to nerve compression secondary to stenosis or narrowing of the nerve root exit due to overall degenerative changes at that spine level or due to facet joint overgrowth or instability or even due to a synovial cyst forming from a facet joint or all the above.
Answered 10/15/2012
no and yes: Facet arthropathy typically causes achy low back pain that may radiate into the legs above the knee. It is usually a chronic condition. Sciatica pain is typically more "pins and needles" sensation and spreads below the knee and into the feet. Of course, some patients have both sciatica and facet arthropathy, in which case you may experience symptoms of both.
Answered 2/2/2015
Spine Joints: Facet joints are places on the spinal bones where two bones actually meet and articulate. Many times arthritis or inflammation can arise here and cause pain. If the arthropathy is great enough you may have sciatica like symptoms as well.
Answered 9/27/2017
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4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
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3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
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