Depends: B.Pertussis produces a bronchitis like process in adults similar to many viral or other bacterial agents. It has been called the "100 days cough" by some. It may tend to cause more soupy mucous than other bugs but for adults even with COPD it should be manageable. The agent is deadly in small babies who dround in the mucous & cough their way to brain damage.
Answered 6/10/2014
Not necessarily: Whooping cough can prolong the mucous, cough related symptoms of copd. It can also predispose to longer more chronic infections by altering the airway structure, called bronchiectasis. If there is still cough and sputum production 6 weeks after pertussis infection see your doctor.
Answered 9/28/2016
COPD and pertussis: Pain from pertussis is usually associated with pains from coughing. Usually muscle pains and rib pains. One could develop a life threatening condition if the lung collapses, but usually this will be associated with increase shortness of breath.
Answered 10/3/2016
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