A member asked:

Stomach problems esspecially in the gullet area it knocks the wind into my back its always after food .ive had a camra but nothing was found .could it be an ulcer .when the pains bad its awful i cry myself to sleep rocking trying my best to shut my eyes

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Not an ulcer: It would be unlikely to be an ulcer since this is easily seen by endoscopy ("camera"). There are many different possible explanations including gallbladder disease, pancreatitis, irritable bowel, to name but a few. Pain this severe warrants urgent evaluation--i suggest that you contact your primary care doctor or gastroenterologist for re-evaluation. I hope you feel better soon.

Answered 9/12/2019



Possible gallbladder: Having pain in upper abdoen that radiates to the back or shoulders and occurrs after meals will most likely end up being gallbladder disease. This can be diagnosed with an ultrasound and if that is negative a hida scan. When you say you have had a camera i presume you had an endoscopy. That would have seen an ulcer if you have one. Ask your doctor for a gallbladder work up.

Answered 9/12/2019



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