A member asked:

Went to dr possible sinus infection. was dizzy/lightheaded, sinus pressure, headache, ear ache, ect. on amoxicillin 875 mg 3xday. less than 48 hrs on it. runny nose and eyes, dizzy more, & more sinus pressure since starting it. ?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Viral infection: I am not sure if i already answered this question but i will try again. Sinus disease does not often produce dizziness or lightheadedness. Your expectation for an antibiotic to be effective in 48 hours is not warranted. Finally, the combination of runny nose, headache, ear ache are more typical of a viral infection. The data in the literature suggest that as high as 98% of all uris are viral.

Answered 10/3/2016



Reevaluation: I would consider reevaluation by your physician and consider other therapies to treat your symptoms.

Answered 4/24/2015



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