A member asked:

I have a high sedrate count of 68 is this dangerously high?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

No: Not by itself. The sed rate is the easiest lab test to do wrong -- even a jack-hammer operator in another part of the hospital can cause an epidemic of high sed rates -- and by itself it means exactly nothing. Life's hard enough without worrying about the numbers -- we pathologists say, "look at the person and just use the numbers to help understand.".

Answered 10/3/2016



Inflammation: A sed rate is just one marker that is used to assess whether or not inflammation may be present. Your medical history, physical exam, other bloodwork and studies will help the doctor evaluate what might be going on. It's a test that tells the doctor to look a little deeper. As you probably already know, many different things can cause an elevated sed rate.

Answered 3/15/2014



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