A member asked:

The area around my eyes have become very dark. it has stsrted to reach the cheeks area. what should i be doing to prevent it from spreading and to cure it . i m 38 years old. pls advice.?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

It depends: I would seek the opinion of an ophthalmoplogist or dermatologist about this skin discoloration. Difficult to identify without seeing the problem. Good luck.

Answered 9/28/2016



Darkness around eyes: Without seeing an image it is hard to determine the exact condition you have, but thin skin, a pronounced nasojugal fold with aging, dehydration, allergies, and hereditary factors all take effect around the eyes. I would recommend consultation with a facial specialist. Be healthy and be well, james m. Ridgway, md www.Larrabeecenter.Com.

Answered 12/8/2012



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