A member asked:

I am 26 years old and was recently diagnosed with a 3.8 cm complex ovarian cyst on my right ovary. 3 days later, in mid july, i believe it ruptured because i had hyperacute pain in my lower right abdomen and i can't even throw enough adjectives at you to

7 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Arthur Heller answered

Specializes in Gastroenterology

And u called ur MD?: Call your doctor. You might have ruptured the cyst, less likely twisted the ovary, or unrelated issue, like appendicitis. .It can be very painful. Get examined again; get another sono, or other appropriate test.

Answered 8/23/2018



Probable middlesmert: It sounds like you have a functional hemorrhagic ovarian cyst and have experienced middlesmertz (ovulation pain) – i’d consult your gyn and confirm with repeat us to be safe!

Answered 3/30/2020


Dr. Bernard Rosenfeld answered

Specializes in Fertility Medicine

A comon condition: This is a frequently occurring condition. It should have completely resolved since july. An ultrasound will confirm that it is gone.

Answered 6/11/2014



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