A member asked:

What are some exercises for a elbow dislocation which is positioned back and i have stiffness?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

See therapist: You should work closely with your othropedist and with a reputable physical therapist with interest and expertise in the elbow. This venue is too short for specific exercises. They will work with you to restore as much funtions and range of motion as possible.

Answered 3/11/2013


Dr. Mark Hutchinson answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Surgery

Depends: First your doctor should tell you what a safe range of motion is. He can ususllly check after the dislocation when he feels it would go out again and then you avoid that amount. Once you get passed a few weeks, the goal is to work on full range of motion because elbows tend to get stiff.

Answered 11/12/2012



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