A member asked:

Medication for ulnar nerve entrapment? does it cure on its own ? its been 4 days tsince im experiencing numbness in my pinky and ring finger of right hand uptil my elbow

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. David Tuckman answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

No medication: There is no medication that helps nerve entrapements. This sounds like a cubital tunnel which is a pinched nerve in the elbow. You can try an elbow brace at night which keeps you elbow straight which takes the pressure off the nerve.

Answered 5/23/2016



Cubital tunnel: Inflammation and compression of the ulnar nerve around the elbow can cause numbness/tingling in the ring and small fingers. This is called cubital tunnel syndrome and is treated with oral/injectable steroids, nsaid's, therapy. It is also important to avoid extreme elbow flexion and pressure on the inside part of the elbow. See a board certified orthopaedic hand surgeon for treatment./surgery.

Answered 7/18/2018



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