Tough problem: Sometimes it is as simple as too much wax in the ears, so an easy first step is to see your pcp to get your ears examined. Assuming you are wax free, it is worth a visit to an ear nose and throat doctor and/or audiologist to see if you have any hearing loss. Hearing loss is the most common cause of tinnitus- basically- the background noise is now audible rather than drowned out by normal hearing.
Answered 8/21/2019
See ENT: At your age, it is unlikely that the cause of your tinnitus is hearing loss, but it needs to be ruled out. Other factors may also contribute to tinnitus in the absence of hearing loss, e.g. Tmj dysfunction, excessive caffeine or alcohol consumption, medication side effect, etc. See your local ENT to further evaluate this symptom.
Answered 6/10/2014
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