A member asked:

How is chronic renal failure managed well in diabetics?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

See below: In any kidney disease it is important to control blood presssure .If uncontrolled it will lead to more rapid loss of function no matter what the underlying cause.Use of certain medications like ace inhibitors are preferentially used, ask your doctor. Blood sugar , cholesterol control and exercise all help.

Answered 3/13/2019


Dr. Fred McCurdy answered

Specializes in Pediatric Nephrology and Dialysis

Diabetes Mgmt: In short, managing all the co-existing problems - high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, potential obesity, anemia, high blood phosphorous, low blood calcium, etc. To manage it well takes a whole team. Please go and read this for much more detail: http://clinical.Diabetesjournals.Org/content/25/3/90.Full.

Answered 12/25/2014



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